Rules & Regulations

IQRA Academy: Rules and Regulations

 Academic Year: From January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016.

The application will be accepted on first come first serve basis. You will be informed by email about the status of your application once the registration is completed.
For class Nursery: Min 3 years
For class KG: Min 4 years
For class 1: Min 5 years
For class 2: Min 6 years
For class 3: Min 7 years
For class 4: Min 8 years
Please note that assignment of the teachers will be rendered according to the class and not the personal choice or preference of the student.
For Shift 1:
Monday to Saturday 7AM to 5PM
*Friday 7AM to 11AM
For Shift 2:: Monday to Saturday 7AM to 11AM
**Sunday will be Holiday
It is essential to attend the class punctually. Late attendance of half an hour or more will lead to a mark of absence in the register unless there is a valid signed note or letter from the parents/guardian or a valid reason for being late. If the student fails to attend the classes for 3 continuous weeks without prior notice, this will lead to the student’s name being omitted from the register. Thereafter, re-admission to the school will be required. Frequent absence without any valid reason will create poor attendance record for the child, which will consequently affect their evaluation and performance. It is mandatory to have attendance of 80%.
Children should be picked up on time. School cannot take responsibility for the safety of your children after school hours. IQRA Academy takes utmost care for the safety of your child, however in an unfortunate event of injury to the child the school will not be held responsible.
Students should possess their ownapplicable books for study and Holy Quran and should be taken home daily after classes. They should not be left at the institute.
The use of abusive language, swearing and fighting are forbidden and in extreme cases a child may be expelled from the school. A misbehaving child will be given a verbal warning. If this warning is ignored, the child will be made to stand, thereafter if the behavior still continues the child will be sent to the principal. However if the behavior is not rectified the child will be sent home and/or the parents/guardians will be notified. After 3 notifications the child will be expelled from the school. Children are not allowed to bring toys, video games, phones and MP3 players. School Uniform: Full Pant and Half or Full sleeve shirt (for Boys) Shalwal Suit (for Girls)
Administration of the institute has introduced a group system, which means that the student will progress with the rest of group. If a student is absent then he or she will join the group from wherever the group has progressed to, and he or she will have to make up the missed lessons on his or her own time, therefore it is vital that the attendance is maintained otherwise the progress of the student will suffer. It is the responsibility of the child and his/her parents to inquire from other students from the group about missed lessons
fees should be submitted at the time of admission. And monthly fee must be submitted on or before 10th day of every Month otherwise a fine of Rs 5/day is imposed
Please feel free to contact IQRA Academy by email or by phone to voice your concerns, suggestions and feedback
Please note that a weekly report will be sent home stating what your child already took at school, what he should do during the month (Homework) and any quizzes or tests will be conducted during the next class. Please make sure that your child does the homework before sending him to school. At the end of the report, there will be a spot for a parent note where you can ask or send any comments to the class teacher.
Please make sure that appropriate action is taken when a letter or note is given to a student.
Holidays: Students will receive a notification in the class and through an email for an observance of a holiday.
Maintain punctuality in attendance. Revision and preparation of lesson at home assigned by the teacher. Follow the basic etiquettes of the school and the classroom. Be respectful to the teachers and adults. Support and encourage your peers. Transition quietly and orderly in and out of the classroom and school. Always tell the truth
Note: Students perform better when parents/guardian are well informed and take interest in their study programs and activities. So please take responsibility of your child/children and be engaged with them on a daily basis.